Hey Ladies,

I hope you have enjoyed the Breathing Room study as you finished this week. Hopefully, by now, you are getting a good picture on what are some things you can change to make some more Breathing Room in your life in your Time, Money and Relationships. Every time we we make these decisions in our life it would be great to figure out what fear is at play in the decision we make (missing out, disappointing others, not mattering, and falling behind). In your groups it will be great to share with each other one change you plan on making. Maybe Isolation and Social Distancing has helped form those decisions too.

All of this material will be available for just 2 more weeks if you need to catch up. You can always download the app and have the videos as long as you need. We will be having some more studies coming up that you can do in your small groups or you can form new ones as this will be church wide and not just for women.

I wanted to share some other resources that I have found that may be helpful in this area of Breathing Room.
Putting a reminder on your lock screen on your phone to remind you to seek God first or Pray to him and spend time in his word before you look at your phone is a great idea. Here are some ideas or you can use the app Word Swag to create your own.


Some other books you might find helpful going forward if you want to spend more time on decision making, slowing your pace or practical help in finding room in your margins here are some ideas:

The Best Yes

You are Free

Rhythms of Renewal

Present over Perfect

The Fringe Hours

Say Goodbye to Survival Mode

Hello Mornings

Living Well, Spending Less (and more resources)
