
Group Questions:

1. Corrie Ten Boon famously asked the question, “Is prayer your steering wheel or your spare tire?”
How would you answer that?

2. How does a grateful heart affect your attitude toward anxiety

3. Read James 5:13-16. When you pray do you believe that your words are powerful and effective? Or do you struggle with believing they make a difference?

4. When you pray do you tend to be detailed or vague? Why do you think you have this tendency?

5. Again and again Paul recognises Gods blessing. Why can we be thankful in any circumstance? Think about a time when God’s blessing changed you emotionally, spiritually, and/or physically

6. What area or circumstance in your life do you find yourself complaining about most?

7. Christ based contentment is the key to finding joy. Have you known this to be true for you? How?

8. How can you apply Philippians 4:13 to your life?

Pray. Confess. Ask God to help you remember His nearness.

Group Activity:

Take some time to count your blessings, focusing your mind on Gods good gifts instead of your worries.

Resources from Faith Gateway

Verse of the Week:
Philippians 4:6 “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.”

Key Scriptures:
James 5: 13-16
Matthew 14:22-36
Luke 18:9-14
Matthew 7:7,8
John 14:13,14
Psalm 91:14-16
Philippians 4:11-13
Psalm 136:1-9

This Week’s Companion Reading:
Anxious for Nothing Chapters 6&7
Study Guide Session 3


Songs to listen to:

